S A M   S O L M A N

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In 2021, I created ‘father’ in hope to explore and combat toxic masculinity within paternal relationships. Having experienced complications in the relationship between myself and my father (as i’m sure most people do), I wanted to create a safe space for fathers and sons to speak in a maner that they wouldn’t usually, to help them both to feel that despite the potential awkwardness of speaking openly about their relationship, they are able to confront and vocalise feelings and issues they feel need addressing. Throughout the project, I interviewed four different fathers and sons over the space of a month.

To display these 4 pairs of fathers and sons that I have shared, I have used A3 colour prints that intimately highlight my subjects, concealed within an archival box, for the viewer to hold and open. Furthermore, I have selected 4 quotes from each interview that resonated with me, and printed them on tracing paper to represent the delicate nature of the topic.
